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Published June 14, 2021
Written by Naunghton Williams

Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in both men and women in Australia but does not receive the attention as other cancers like Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, and Prostate Cancer.

The situation

Binational Colorectal Cancer Audit (BCCA) exists to help audit the quality of care of surgeons in Australia and New Zealand, with a continued focus on advancing knowledge and understanding of treatment for colorectal cancer.

As part of their annual report, the BCCA shares the statistics of colorectal cancer treatments they recorded for the previous years.

The creation of this report is manual and the actual investigation of the results is difficult due to the report being shared in a static .pdf format.

As part of our commitment to solving business problems for clients, Mantel Group developed an interactive report that puts this information into the hands of clinicians and hospitals in a more efficient and engaging manner. Ultimately, the report allows the clinician to better understand patient outcomes, and what practices lead to the best outcomes.

The objective of the project was to demonstrate the ease that data can be extracted and shared with other members across the BCCA team, developing a sustainable platform that BCCA could engage with now and into the future.

Together with BCCA, we helped gain deeper insights into these leading issues, and have supported clinicians and hospitals in making the most informed care decisions based on a central source of information.