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About us

Our strategy for creating growth and value is clear.

We’re focused on growing our business without compromising our core values or mission in order to protect engagement with our teams, clients and partners. While Mantel Group continues to grow organically and through acquisition, our fundamental strategic objectives remain the same. Check them out below.

Develop the strongest culture and employee experience in A/NZ consulting and professional services industries.
Foster industry leadership in lean, agile operational business processes.
Enhance our business profiles to the most prominent Australian brands in each of their respective markets.
Create depth of talent with inclusive teams that lead and execute.
Engage the market with the most innovative and unique solutions in the technology services industry.
Nurture longstanding, collaborative relationships with diverse clients across Australia and New Zealand.
Build diversified revenue streams to ensure our organisation’s long-term sustainability.

Meet our team

Con Mouzouris

Strategy & Growth

Michael Bodle

Operations and Finance

Caroline Henshaw

People and Culture

Nicole Gioia

Talent Experience

Ben Bloomfield

Client Experience

Linda Connolly

Strategic Account Principal


Team members




Projects delivered


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Interested in joining a team of amazing people? We’re made up technologists, consultants, and professionals across engineering, finance, people and culture and client engagement.

We do things differently

Our approach to problem-solving is what sets us apart. Our Team of Teams methodology brings together specialists from a variety of fields to solve any challenge. We combine the best of people and technology to get the best results.