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Azure Virtual
Desktop Accelerator

Empowering productivity, anywhere, anytime

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What is the Azure Virtual
Desktop Accelerator?

In organisations, timely onboarding has long challenged internal IT teams. The delay in equipping new users with the necessary tools for safe, secure, and user-friendly access to organisational resources directly impacts productivity.

The Azure Virtual Desktop Accelerator provides your organisation with an enterprise-ready virtual desktop solution, complete with the applications, security and enterprise configurations your users need to start on the right foot.

It removes the geographical boundaries and challenges of hardware shipment and the cumbersome configurations associated with VPNs required to access business data and resources.

What are the Business Challenges?

Lost Productivity

  • Delays due to slow shipping times, faulty hardware, or configuration issues with Windows 10 or 11 devices impact business efficiency and user satisfaction.
  • Accessing remote resources from personal devices carries a risk overhead if the device security posture is not well-known or trusted. Meanwhile, remote configuration and support of legacy VPN tools consume time for both IT support staff and end-users.

Global Secure Access

  • Mobilising global remote workforces remains challenging; local relationships with hardware suppliers and desk-side support staff can be difficult to maintain, and consistency can vary.

Why use the Azure
Virtual Desktop Accelerator?

Ready from Day One

A controlled, enterprise-scalable desktop can be created on-demand for new users through persona-controlled automation and self-service requests. Reduce hardware costs and inventory management issues for temporary users by providing them with a business-ready desktop from day one.

Secure, Controlled and Understood

Every virtual desktop is built and configured from the ground up, based on known and agreed security standards and configurations. Know that your users are secured correctly, and have known-good access to company resources.

Scalable and Cost Controlled

Using either native or third-party cost management tools, ensure your virtual desktop fleet is only powered on and costing money when it needs to be. Rather than traditional always-on remote desktop farms, your virtual desktop solution only costs as much as required to keep your workers online and productive.

What are the outcomes of the Azure
Virtual Desktop Accelerator?

  • Globally Available Virtual Desktops: Following this engagement, your organisation will have a launch-ready solution for targeted end-users to log on to an enterprise-scale, secure virtual desktop, from anywhere in the world. (Geographic restrictions can of course be implemented for at-risk geographies).
  • Secure Computing Baseline: Windows 10 or 11 security baselines will be configured against desktops, ensuring your virtual desktops are at least as secure as any other corporate-controlled device, if not more so. Using the Microsoft XDR suite further enhances this, allowing real-time security signals and responses from your SOC team.
  • Cost and Configuration Control: Scale your fleet up and down, based on how many users are logged on and active on your virtual desktop fleet. Apply configurations and deploy applications based on user personas and as required.

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