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Customer respondents


Stakeholder workshops held


New features

The Problem

An Australia Telco faced a significant challenge with their fragmented and inconsistent customer experience. Operating with multiple product-centric journeys and squads, their current approach required customers to navigate through numerous steps across various channels to accomplish simple tasks. In today’s digital age, without a clear overarching digital strategy, businesses are at risk of providing a disjointed customer journey.

The Opportunity

Recognising the need to meet their customers’ expectations, the business had a goal to transition to a customer-centric approach that would enhance the overall customer experience. They identified that their existing approach was not adequately meeting the needs and expectations of their customers and sought the expertise of Mantel Group – a multidisciplinary tech consultancy.

Mantel Group collaborated with our partner to create a foundation that would enable continuous refinement and improvement of services based on customer feedback and data.

The Solution

Experience Principles
Our partner established a set of overarching guidelines, based on their company values, to ensure consistent and aligned interactions with customers. These principles fostered a customer-centric culture, resulting in a more satisfying and effective customer experience.

Vision Experience Map (VEM)
The VEM served as a comprehensive reference point, summarizing features and supporting research. It facilitated ongoing updates and revisions as the telco refined their understanding of the ideal-state experience.

North Star Video
An aspirational video showcased the telco’s future order-to-activate process, highlighting innovative ideas and technologies that provided an easy and seamless experience for customers, empowering more Australians to enjoy today’s digital world.

UX Core Journeys
Through meticulous work, the core aspects of the customer experience were identified and validated. This foundation set the stage for all future order-to-activate experiences, including journeys such as new customer activation, SIM swapping, bundled product purchases, and more.

North Star Horizons
The North Star work was divided into multiple Horizons, spanning different timelines to explore the technical feasibility of ideas and innovations.

Our Approach

Understand context
We gained a clear understanding of the telco’s current gaps, customer expectations, and the market landscape, providing insights for future direction.

Establish & Align
Through collaboration across business units, channels, and products, we established a shared vision and core customer experience principles. This created alignment and a high-level view of the future state.

Ideate & Validate
We ensured the future vision and experience were desirable, feasible, and viable. Through further alignment and buy-in from the wider business, the “north star” experience and vision gained clarity and support.

Delivery Readiness
Objectives identified in the North Star work were elaborated to a level where they could be confidently estimated within delivery teams. This step bridged the gap between the North Star and the Horizon 1, day 1 experience.

Delivery Readiness Plan
To transition from the North Star to the Horizon 1, day 1 experience, we executed a plan that included delivery workshops for objective mapping, understanding architecture impacts, and elaborating Horizon 1 objectives. The prioritized objectives were then assigned to the delivery teams for their planning activities.

By partnering with Mantel Group, our telco client achieved a transformative shift toward a customer-centric approach, ultimately providing an enhanced and seamless experience for their customers.

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