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Thank you for considering being part of a case study!

  • The call should take 30 to 60 minutes.
  • There’s no need to script answers; this is a casual conversation.
  • You never have to share anything you’re not comfortable or able to discuss.

Please note: these are not the *exact* questions you’ll be asked; your interview is customised to your relationship and experience.  There is no need to respond to any of these questions in advance of the call (please don’t!)

Example questions:

We want to hear your honest experience before, during, and after:


  • What does success look like for you/your company?
  • What was going on in your business that sent you looking for a solution like this one?
  • What made those challenges so frustrating, or important to solve?
  • How did you find (solution)?
  • What made you confident that (solution) was right for you?


  • Can you walk me through your experience with (solution)?
  • Can you share an example of a time (solution) proved valuable to you?
  • What did you like BEST about (solution)?
  • What is the most valuable thing (solution) brings to the table, and why?
  • In your opinion, what made the experience of working with (solution) a real “win” for you?


*Please note: we may ask you to pull specific metrics or KPI ahead of our conversation so we can talk about them.

You are always free not to disclose sensitive information or to use percentages (e.g. “XX% growth”) in lieu of sensitive data.

If you are unable to share any concrete metrics or are unsure what would be relevant, please let us know in advance.

  • What sort of impact (numbers, experience, improvements, etc.) have you seen from working with (solution)?
  • What have those results made possible for you? Your department? Your boss?
  • What has been the BIGGEST benefit or change you’ve realized because of (solution)?
  • If a peer asked you why they should choose (solution), what might you tell them?
  • How could (solution) improve?

Thank you again for your consideration!