A spate of high-profile cyberattacks and data breaches is driving new cyber security standards for banks, insurers and superannuation funds.
Boards and business executives can no longer rely on periodic ‘tick-and-‘flick’ audits. Regulatory agencies such as ASIC and APRA, as well as consumers and shareholders, are increasingly demanding a best practice approach to mitigating cyber security risk.
Adopting a continuous assurance and enterprise reporting model solves this dilemma.

Our whitepaper details how:
- Moving from periodic, point-in-time cyber maturity scores to a proactive, real-time approach to cyber security creates a raft of organisational, regulatory and financial benefits.
- Organisations need to maintain a laser focus on investing in areas that maximise cyber risk reduction before worrying about complex, edge-case scenarios.
- A continuous assurance model, combined with enterprise reporting that uses clear data and visualisation, solves the problem of communicating complex cyber security issues to the board, executives and regulators.
Cyber security is not one-size-fits-all. Move beyond outdated and reactionary audits and contact our experts to discuss how continuous assurance can elevate your security posture and provide real-time visibility for your board and organisation.
Download our Continuous Assurance white-paper today!
Understand where the greatest opportunities lie to revolutionise your continuous assurance approach.