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Application Security

Fortify Your .NET Applications with
Comprehensive Security Uplift

Our .NET Application Security service provides comprehensive protection for your .NET applications. With deep expertise in application security and a proactive approach, we address the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities and go beyond to safeguard your applications against emerging threats. From initial risk assessments and tailored remediation strategies to expert implementation support, we ensure your applications are fortified against potential security risks. By partnering with us, you can trust that your .NET applications are secure, compliant with industry regulations, and built on a foundation of robust security practices.

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Who we work with

Reduced vulnerability exploitation

By implementing key security measures such as secure coding practices, regular vulnerability assessments, developer education and awareness as well as strong access controls and authentication mechanisms, your organisation can significantly reduce the likelihood of successful exploitation.

Increased vulnerability identification

Increase your organisation’s ability to detect and identify threats through application and infrastructure configuration assessment, expedited vulnerability identification and remediation in your codebase by integrating robust vulnerability scanning and assessment services.

Minimised downtime and financial losses

By proactively identifying and mitigating potential threats, we help minimise system downtime and financial losses caused by security incidents. With enhanced application visibility, we can empower early threat detection and protection against behavioural attacks, reinforcing your organisation’s security posture.

Why choose Mantel Group for
your Application Security needs?

  • Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment
  • Proactive Vulnerability Identification
  • Strong Application Resilience
  • Tailored Remediation Strategy
  • Security Coding Best Practices
  • Expert Guidance and Support
  • Compliance with Industry Standards

What is application security?

Application security refers to the practices, techniques, and measures employed to protect applications built on the Microsoft .NET framework from potential security vulnerabilities and threats. It encompasses various aspects of application development, deployment, and maintenance to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of .NET applications.This includes but is not limited to:

Authentication and Authorisation

Implement robust authentication mechanisms to verify the identity of users accessing the application. Use proper authorisation controls to define and enforce access rights and privileges for different user roles.

Input Validation

Validate and sanitise all user input to prevent common security risks such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection attacks. Utilise parameterised queries or ORM frameworks with built-in protection against SQL injection.

Secure Configuration

Ensure that the application’s configuration files are properly secured. Avoid exposing sensitive information such as database credentials, API keys, or connection strings.

Secure Communication

Implement secure communication channels using protocols like HTTPS to encrypt data transmitted between the client and the server. Disable insecure protocols and cipher suites.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection

Implement measures such as CSRF tokens or anti-forgery cookies to protect against CSRF attacks. Validate and verify requests to ensure they originate from trusted sources.

Logging and Monitoring

Implement robust logging mechanisms to record and monitor application activities, including security-related events.

What we do?

By engaging our services, you can benefit from our extensive expertise in application security, proactive identification of vulnerabilities, and detailed remediation strategies. We offer comprehensive risk assessments, coordinated remediation efforts, and thorough analysis reports, ensuring that your application is fortified against potential threats, adheres to industry best practices, and meets your specific security requirements. Additionally, with our comprehensive approach to remediation, you can trust that we will not only identify vulnerabilities but also guide you through the process of effectively addressing them. Our goal is to provide you with a secure and resilient application by leveraging our expertise in application security, remediation strategies, and hands-on implementation support.

The process we take

Initial Assessment

  • Conduct an in-depth assessment of your organisation’s API suite, codebase and infrastructure.
  • Identify risks related to the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities.
  • Document and prioritise any identified vulnerabilities.

Remediation Strategy Formulation

  • Formulate best-practice remediation strategies for compromised endpoints and code.
  • Tailor the strategies to your organisation’s specific requirements and environment.

Proposal and Coordination

  • Present the proposed remediation strategy.
  • Liaise with code owners to coordinate remediation efforts.
  • Offer expert guidance and support to address queries and concerns.

Detailed analysis

  • Generate detailed analysis reports for each individual endpoint, including details about related CWEs and OWASP Top 10.
  • Proactively identify critical vulnerabilities beyond the OWASP Top 10.

Remediation Implementation

  • Collaborate with developers and stakeholders to implement recommended fixes.

Validation and Testing

  • Conduct thorough validation testing of the remediated endpoints and code.
  • Verify that the identified vulnerabilities have been successfully mitigated.
  • Perform comprehensive security testing to ensure overall application resilience.

How we are different

As a provider of application security solutions and specialisation in .NET applications, we differentiate ourselves by offering the following unique features and benefits to our customers:

Deep Expertise

Our team consists of highly skilled professionals with extensive expertise in .NET application security. We possess in-depth knowledge of the .NET framework, security best practices, and emerging threats. This allows us to offer specialised insights, guidance, and tailored solutions to meet your unique security needs.

Comprehensive Approach

We take a comprehensive approach to application security, covering all critical aspects of the development lifecycle. From initial assessments to detailed analysis, remediation strategies and implementation support we ensure that your application is secure at every stage.

Proactive Identification

In addition to addressing the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities, we go above and beyond by proactively identifying critical vulnerabilities that may not be covered by standard lists. This proactive approach ensures that we address the most significant threats to your application and minimise potential risks.

Tailored Remediation Strategies

We understand that every application and organisation is unique. That’s why we provide tailored remediation strategies specific to your environment, requirements, and business goals. Our recommendations are practical, effective, and aligned with your overall security objectives.

Collaboration and Communication

We prioritise strong collaboration and communication with our clients throughout the engagement. We actively involve code owners and stakeholders, listen to their concerns, and provide timely and clear guidance. We believe in establishing a strong partnership to achieve the best security outcomes.

Continual Improvement

We stay up-to-date with the latest security trends, emerging threats, and evolving best practices. We continuously enhance our knowledge and refine our methodologies to provide cutting-edge solutions. Our commitment to continual improvement ensures that you receive the most effective and up-to-date security measures.

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