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Data Science

Going beyond simple analytics, data science uses advanced techniques to answer the hardest questions with your data.

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Who we work with


On average reduced customer service time


Increased fraud detection on average


Increased ML model forecasting accuracy

What is data science?

Going beyond simple analytics, data science uses advanced techniques to answer the hardest questions with your data. Whether your data is structured in rows and columns or unstructured in the form of text, images, videos or voice recordings, data science can automate everyday tasks and enable businesses to make data-driven decisions.

Data science is a service that can be applied across any industry or problem where data exists, and these days, data exists everywhere. Our data science team has the skills to work with you to identify key use cases and deliver valuable outcomes to unlock the true potential of your data. Data science can solve problems ranging from automating manual data entry to assisting astrophysicists to identify gravitational waves in space. The stars are literally the limit!

Here's what we do everyday,
our bread-and-butter

Data strategy consulting

Anomaly detection

Enabling cloud partner solutions

ML assessment framework

Computer Vision


Natural language processing (NLP)

People-centric modelling

Training and upskilling

An overview of what we do

At Mantel Group, our team of data scientists bring together their experience across numerous industries and domains. We partner with you to deliver best in class data science. Our team can advise on strategies, use cases, tools, and techniques, and build robust scalable solutions alongside your in-house team. Our approach ensures our clients are empowered, informed and supported to harness data science solutions independently. The foundation of our capabilities lies in advanced analytics – using statistical techniques to predict outcomes or forecast future trends and we have particular expertise in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing.

What we can help you with

It’s not always easy to know where to start with data science. The insights or information a business would like to harness from data may be challenging to obtain for several reasons. Maybe it’s disjointed data sources, poor data quality, lack of data or technical capability but whatever it is, Mantel Group’s data science team can work closely with your team to understand your business and identify how to get value from your data.

When designing data science solutions, we can guide you on the journey from beginning to end to ensure that the final solution harnesses best practices and will stand the test of time to add tangible value to your business.

Working with our data scientists means

Tools and tech stack independence

We are framework and language agnostic. We regularly use all major deep learning libraries and open source ML tools, and are at home in both Python and R. We are comfortable working in the three major cloud environments, making sure that our solutions are delivered in a secure and repeatable manner.

Working with a multi-disciplined team

We combine our data science and machine learning expertise with best practice engineering. Data scientists work in parallel with strategic Data Consultants, Data and Machine Learning Engineers, and our Cloud Partners for a seamless and end-to-end AI solution development and production. If it’s your first ML model, we’ll advise on the best tools and tech stacks for your business, and provide you with the framework to take your data science capabilities forward and scale.

Data strategy consulting

Starting with a conversation, we will talk about what your business is trying to achieve and we will work with a team of data consultants and data scientists to collaboratively identify a set of data science use cases.

With an understanding of what you want to achieve, our technical team will look under the hood and assess current data, tools and available technologies. We will identify gaps and development areas to create a pragmatic, detailed roadmap to set you up for success in the data science use cases that are required now and in future.

Machine learning Assessment Framework

We perform an end-to-end assessment of your existing data science capabilities, providing improvement suggestions in areas such as; data robustness, technical approach, model accuracy, stability & suitability, monitoring capability and model utilisation. We will also call out security and ethical considerations in your existing data science capabilities and advise on appropriate next steps.

Enabling Cloud Partner Solutions

We work closely with the major cloud providers, leveraging cloud platforms and products to create industry and function-specific insights and intelligence for businesses. Cloud providers can support a wide range of data science initiatives, from leveraging the intelligence of pre-trained models and APIs, to unique proprietary solutions. We harness the latest cloud solutions to accelerate your analytics time-to-market.

Breadth of data science
experience and capability

Our team of data scientists bring a wealth of different academic and commercial industry experience to the table. We are passionate about doing right by our clients and bringing best in class data science capabilities to your business. Diversity of experience in the team enables us to be resourceful, innovative, and willing to go the extra mile to translate technical concepts and identify opportunities to add business value for our clients. While you may be working closely with one of our data scientists, you can rest assured that you are benefitting from the experience of the entire team.

Ethical peace of mind

We make sure our solution is ethical and unbiased and we’re not afraid to challenge if we see a better way. While we are supporting your business to harness AI capabilities with deep learning or machine learning models, we will keep you informed with risk and ethical considerations as well as model interpretation.

What we're good at

While we have broad expertise in advanced analytics and statistical modelling, we pride ourselves on specialising in some key areas of data science: Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Anomaly Detection, Forecasting and People-Centric Modelling.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

We work with natural language in various forms – speech, written content and images or videos of text which we extract using Optical Character Recognition (OCR). We combine established and current techniques to provide customer insights and productivity uplift with:

  • Conversational AI
  • Chatbots
  • Topic modelling
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Complaints Detection
  • Customer intents
  • Predictive search

Video & Image Analytics

We build bespoke video/image data based solutions able to deliver your required insights in real-time:

  • Object classification
  • Behaviour detection
  • Object/facial recognition
  • Optical character recognition (OCR)
  • Visual search
  • Implementing & bespoke training off-the-shelf tools

Anomaly Detection

We can support you to detect rare or abnormal events. The ability to identify unusual patterns or events that do not conform to the “everyday” has applications in many industries, such as:

  • Banking & finance: fraud detection in transactions
  • Manufacturing: fault detection or predictive machine maintenance
  • Cybersecurity: intrusion detection
  • Healthcare: spotting potential risk or medical problems
  • Internet: detecting poor user experience
  • Transport: monitoring sensor readings from a vehicle for unusual behaviour
  • Telecommunications: service outage detection


Forecasting enables businesses to understand their future state ahead of time, allowing faster and smarter decision making. We can provide forecast modelling to uncover hidden insights and forecast business metrics, examples include:

  • Demand forecasting
  • Revenue forecasting
  • Dynamic pricing
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Customer behaviour
  • Stock optimisation
  • Resource optimisation
  • Predictive maintenance

People centric modelling

People centric modelling puts the customer first and enables you to better understand your customers and how to interact with them via:

  • Recommendation engines
  • Predicting customers likely to churn
  • Informing up-sell and cross-sell marketing decisions with predictions
  • Predicting servicing required by customers
  • Marketing mix modelling and campaign attribution
  • Improving customer experience by inferring issues
  • Predicting when a customers’ interaction is a complaint
  • Structured experimentation to understand how to interact with your customers

Mantel Group and Latitude together formed a team of Data Engineers, Data Analysts, Data Scientist and ML Engineers. The Latitude team picked up deep expertise in Machine Learning as a result of working closely with experts from Mantel Group. Mantel Group has enabled our capability to build and deploy Machine Learning models into production with end-to-end integration from source to activation of offers. It has been a pleasure working with Mantel Group!

Sandhya IyerChief Data Officer (Acting), Latitude Financial Services

We know our numbers


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We’re always keen to start new conversations on using technology to impact people in a positive way.

We pursue technologies that change the way our clients do business in the real world. We bring together emerging technologies with creative design and industry understanding to positively impact how your business works.

Australia: 1300 505 240
New Zealand: 0800 449 290