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Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) Consulting, AI Ethics & Governance

Unlock the potential of AI with our AI consulting services while mitigating potential risks with our AI Ethics and Governance offering. We combine cutting-edge tools, industry best practice and tailored strategies that empower businesses to navigate upcoming regulation and optimise the advantages of AI. Stay ahead of the curve with responsible AI.

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Why Does Artificial Intelligence Need To Be Ethical?

At Mantel Group, we firmly believe that Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions should not only deliver business value but also uphold ethical and responsible standards. This AI Ethics and Governance offering was born from our commitment towards ensuring that the AI solutions we build align with our own principles and address the concerns and expectations of all stakeholders.

De-risk AI solutions through
a model lifecycle approach

Enhance trust and reputation for your organisation

Make AI supported decisions
with confidence

Our Artificial Intelligence Consulting Services

Customised Tools

We provide customisable AI Ethics Tools which includes an AI Ethics Assessment, an AI Risk Matrix and an AI Ethics Framework that aligns with your organisation’s unique values, industry standards, and regulatory requirements. Our expert teams collaborate closely with you to develop a comprehensive framework that addresses the ethical implications of AI technology and guides your organisation’s responsible AI practices.

Use Case Audit

We offer an independent AI Ethics Use Case Audit where we utilise our AI Ethics tools to assess an AI use case under development or ready for deployment. Using our AI Ethics Impact Assessment, AI Risk Register, and AI Ethics Framework, we pinpoint and address ethical risks throughout the AI development cycle. We examine data sources, algorithms, and decision-making processes associated with the use case. This audit helps identify organisational policy gaps, governance issues, and resource needs to promote responsible AI practices and mitigate potential harm from AI systems.

Operating Model

We support the implementation of a robust operating model to ensure ethical AI adoption throughout your organisation. Our team assists you in establishing clear accountability structures, defining decision-making processes, and integrating ethical considerations into your AI development and deployment workflows. By promoting transparency, fairness, and accountability, we enable you to build and maintain trust in your AI systems.

Ethics Gap Analysis

Our experienced professionals conduct a thorough analysis of your current policies and structures to identify gaps and areas of improvement. We help you assess your organisation’s AI practices against leading ethical standards and identify specific actions to address any shortcomings. This process enables you to enhance your existing policies and align them with best practices in the evolving field of AI ethics.

Training and Education

We offer comprehensive training and educational programs to equip your team with the knowledge and skills necessary for responsible AI implementation. Our tailored workshops cover a wide range of topics, including ethical considerations in AI design, bias mitigation techniques, and explainability and transparency in AI algorithms. By fostering a culture of ethical AI, we empower your employees to make informed decisions and contribute to the responsible development and deployment of AI systems.

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)

Using our AI Ethics Impact Assessment, AI Risk Register, and AI Ethics Framework, we pinpoint and address ethical risks throughout the AI development cycle. We examine data sources, algorithms, and decision-making processes associated with the use case. This audit helps identify organisational policy gaps, governance issues, and resource needs to promote responsible AI practices and mitigate potential harm from AI systems.

Who we work with

We know our numbers


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We’re always keen to start new conversations on using technology to impact people in a positive way.

We pursue technologies that change the way our clients do business in the real world. We bring together emerging technologies with creative design and industry understanding to positively impact how your business works.

Australia: 1300 505 240
New Zealand: 0800 449 290