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Machine Learning Services

Transform data into business outcomes with our expert
machine learning services, designed to drive business growth.

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Who we work with

Data Made Simple.

Natural Language Processing

Engaging machine learning services with a focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP) presents an effective method to understand, interpret, and capitalise on human language data in real-time.

  • Sentiment Analysis – Discern the mood, tone, or attitude conveyed in text, which is invaluable when monitoring brand mentions, customer feedback, or social media interactions, driving proactive responses to market shifts or customer concerns.
  • Text Classification and Categorisation – Automate the categorisation of vast volumes of unstructured text into predefined classes – be it emails, support tickets, or other business documents, enabling faster response times, improved customer service, and streamlined internal processes.
  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants – Power sophisticated chatbots and virtual assistants that interact naturally with users, improving customer engagement, reducing response time, and providing 24/7 service without the constraints of human limitations.

Fraud Detection and Prevention

Machine learning algorithms, with their capacity to sift through complex, high-dimensional datasets, can scrutinise a myriad of transactions or user behaviours, pinpointing anomalous activities with a degree of accuracy that far surpasses conventional manual methods.

  • Reduction of False Positives – Machine learning algorithms effectively reduce the rate of false positives, which not only saves valuable resources but also improves the overall operational efficiency by focusing only on the truly suspicious activities.
  • Real-Time Detection – The systems we build can be trained to recognise fraudulent activity in real-time, promptly alerting your team and preventing potential losses before they occur.
  • Continuous Improvement – Machine learning models improve over time by learning from new data, patterns, and fraud strategies, ensuring that your fraud detection system is continually updated to face emerging threats.

Customer Personalisation

Leveraging machine learning for customer personalisation enables a more individualised approach to customer interactions, enhancing satisfaction by delivering experiences that resonate with each customer’s unique needs.

  • Tailored Recommendations – Analyse customers’ previous behaviours, interactions, and preferences to deliver customised product or service recommendations, thereby increasing conversion rates and average order values.
  • Predictive Analytics – Predict future customer behaviour by analysing past data, allowing businesses to proactively cater to customer needs, anticipate demand, and mitigate potential issues before they arise.
  • Dynamic Content – Dynamic content personalisation, meaning website interfaces, email marketing campaigns, and advertising materials can adapt in real-time to suit individual user preferences, leading to higher engagement rates and better customer experiences.

How it works

Step 1


This phase starts with understanding your business requirements, goals, and existing infrastructure. It involves data assessment, where the quantity, quality, and type of data are evaluated. This also includes formulating the overall strategy for the machine learning project, identifying the most appropriate machine learning models and techniques, planning for data preprocessing needs, and determining safeguards for potential risks and challenges.

Step 2


In this phase, the machine learning models are designed, implemented, and trained. The process involves data cleaning, preprocessing, and feature engineering to prepare your data for the machine learning algorithms. Subsequently, the selected models are trained on your data. The models’ performance is then validated and tuned on a separate dataset to avoid overfitting and to ensure generalisation.

Step 3


This phase entails the integration of the developed machine learning model into your existing business processes or systems. This could involve developing APIs, setting up servers, or integrating with cloud platforms. Post-deployment, it’s critical to continuously monitor the models’ performance in real-world conditions and make necessary adjustments or updates. This phase also includes making sure that the models are scalable and robust enough to handle changes in data and user requirements.

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We’re always keen to start new conversations on using technology to impact people in a positive way.

We pursue technologies that change the way our clients do business in the real world. We bring together emerging technologies with creative design and industry understanding to positively impact how your business works.

Australia: 1300 505 240
New Zealand: 0800 449 290