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Our Culture

We are led by principles, not policy.

At Mantel Group, we have drawn heavily on the concepts of Team of Teams and Reinventing Organisations, as well as the collective professional experiences of our team, to develop and articulate the culture that we believe best reflects our principles.

In particular, we wanted to create a culture of trust and belonging, a business that clients, the community and our people can trust and would feel trusted by. We have done this through our Mantel Group principles.

Being principle based means everyone clearly knows what is expected and through storytelling, everyone understands the principles in practice and we don’t need rules and policies.

We’re a Principles Based Organisation

We transform things for the better, build enduring relationships, and contribute to our community. We share the things we’ve learnt and always think about our legacies – on the project, with our client and in our team.

We don’t walk past things that are wrong or where we could make a difference – we roll up our sleeves and help in the best way we can. We’re not bystanders. We are creating something that matters; that’s hard work, but we can make a positive change if we all chip in. We volunteer for the tough stuff. Our company has been founded to change the way things get done for the better. We are technology pioneers. It’s our strength and our challenge – embrace it!

What does it look like in practice?

  • We don’t walk past things – we do things ourselves. We don’t ask someone to do an admin task you could do yourself. If you notice something wrong you fix it.
  • We try to improve things – for our clients, our team, our business and our community

We are a people business. Our uniqueness and value come from our people and the meaningful interactions we create within the team, with our clients and theirs. We genuinely care about our teammates and want the best for everyone. We create a space where we can have a laugh and enjoy our work and working together. We are generous with our time and support. We value humility and substance, and we learn from each other’s experiences, knowing that each of us has walked a different path and that will influence our view of the world

What does it look like in practice?

  • We don’t let each other down, if we say we will do it we will.
  • We are generous with our time for our team.
  • We lift our colleagues up (not literally…)

Our people are seriously talented! We recruit high calibre people who’ll thrive in our environment and who know that important things are worth the hard work. We hire people that will enhance our team and who we can learn from – people who inspire us, people who are rare. We look for potential and the drive to be great. We recruit awesome people and then get out of their way to allow them to be their best.

This is a brilliant place to work because we trust each other to deliver and strive for optimum outcomes for our clients and each other. We are self-motivated and driven.

What does it look like in practice?

  • Deliver quality work to clients, working alongside people who have a passion for what they do
  • We set expectations clearly and give feedback.
  • We keep our skills up to date

We’re common sense people, good judgement people, gut instinct people. We trust ourselves and each other to make the best decisions for the company, for our clients and the team. We’re all adults. We honour our commitments and prioritise our clients. We understand expectations and don’t need a whole lot of rules to tell us how to behave, or when or where to work. Because we’re adults, we’re treated that way.

What does it look like in practice?

  • The freedom and responsibility to make good choices for our team, our business and our clients.
  • There are workplace laws, client and project ways of working and we don’t need policies on top of that.

Communication is central to everything we do. It is a crucial part of each of our jobs, and we do so directly, not pushed through a hierarchy. We listen to genuinely understand. We are each responsible for our own connections – we need to tell people what is going on, through the best channel available, and seek out information ourselves – “no one told me” is never an excuse.

We have strong opinions, loosely held. We are brave; stating our opinion or case even if it’s not the existing consensus view, and we are prepared to change our minds when we learn something new. We are not afraid to disagree with or question each other, we value each other’s ideas, and when the decision is made, we respect it. We’re better than corporate politics. We communicate directly, with kindness.

  • We seek out information, we ask questions, we don’t fill in gaps of information by guessing, we ask.
  • We do not do anonymous surveys. We only survey when we need information – not for the sake of it

Welcome to

Lean and flat

Our flat, flexible and dynamic structure allows for teams to be organised around strategic objectives rather than by position or department. The Team of Teams approach is where we operate a network of teams with what is known as a shared consciousness – we trust each other and have a shared purpose – and every member is empowered to execute.

What to expect

Here’s just some of the perks everyone can enjoy

Flexible Leave
We offer additional Flexible Leave for those times in our team’s life when they need extra support, when they’re unwell or their family members are, when they have personal issues or when they need to focus on their mental health.
Team of Teams
Our approach to build and maintain a flat, flexible and dynamic structure across Mantel Group without the need for hierarchies.
Career paths
We have detailed career paths, mapping out each role in each brand and the learning pathways between them. Team members can try different technologies, and if they like them, can move into a new speciality.
A learning organisation; delivering our own training on leadership, on technologies like Kubernetes or Databricks, supporting conferences, consulting skills and certifications.
Work Hubs
Work from one of our hubs in Auckland, Brisbane, Magnetic Island, Melbourne, Perth, Queenstown, Sydney and Hobart with Adelaide coming next. Every team member is provided a trip to a work hub in a different city each year.
We don’t do performance reviews, rather we set clear expectations and give honest feedback. Our team provides us and each other with feedback through retros and pulse surveys.
Corporate social responsibility programs that make an impact on our local community, including providing opportunities for underrepresented minority groups.
Our team members work on different projects which may be short or long running. When they are long running there will be times when team members may want to move off projects.
The most important thing we provide to support wellbeing is a psychologically safe workplace. Work reasonable hours in a supportive culture, with flexible leave, flu shots, counselling, dieticians, financial advice and more.
Passion Projects
Time, mentorship and investment on individual passion projects through our Embark program. Anyone with an idea for our next speciality or brand is supported to develop and lead it.
Team Equity
Every team member has the opportunity to invest in Mantel Group at various stages of our growth journey.
People Guide
People Guides are our approach to ensuring we continually focus on the engagement, wellbeing and professional growth of our team.
Parental Support
Equal paid parental support and flexible extra individualised support. We provide IVF, miscarriage, stillborn, adoption and foster carers support, paid leave and pay superannuation on all parental leave.
Getting Started Pack
Everything you need to hit the ground running. New starters receive a phone, laptop and swag to ensure they have all they need for a seamless onboarding experience.
Individualised benefits, work arrangements and two way feedback. The longer you’re with us, the larger the reward, including greater allowances and up to 10 days of extra leave.


We believe that everyone is unique, with different personal situations, interests, and skills. That’s why we steer clear of the one-size-fits-all approach to people, and instead, we use ‘My Deal’ to help our team members thrive. My Deal is a regular opportunity for team members to discuss what’s important to them, what’s important for the business, and how we can work together to achieve both.

My Deal offers significant rewards and recognition to team members who stay with us. And the best part? Team members get to choose what’s important to them! Recent My Deals have included trips to our offices in Magnetic Island and Queenstown, financial investments in team members’ side businesses, coaching and mentoring, and even a robot dog and cat.

We’re committed to creating a work environment that values and celebrates individuality, because we know that happy team members make for a successful business.

Become a Mantelorian

Mantel Group is an Australian-owned technology consulting company operating in Australia and New Zealand. We specialise in Digital, Data, Cloud and Security technologies – and offer progressive solutions to address our clients’ business needs.

We provide endless opportunities for technologists, consultants, finance, talent and sales engagement experts to tackle new challenges and grow their careers. Join us to work with some of Australia and New Zealand’s most important companies and businesses, and explore the latest in technology and innovation!

We have also developed a hybrid approach to remote working where you can access one of our excellent hubs for collaborative work across Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Magnetic Island, Auckland, Queenstown, and Hobart. This allows you to choose a work model that suits you best!

We truly believe that our people are our greatest asset, and we take extensive measures to provide an environment where everyone can be their best. While we are hard workers, we also enjoy having fun and maintaining a balance between work and life.

Whether you are starting out in your career, transitioning to a new one, or an experienced professional, we invite you to explore our numerous opportunities to become a Mantelorian! It’s your career, your choice!


Mantel Group’s dedicated cloud brands mean that you are able to work with a team of passionate people and all the latest tech in your cloud of choice whether you want to help businesses reach their full potential with Microsoft products, be part of the leading consultancy in AWS or an expert in Google cloud – there’s an opportunity here for you.


Working in data at Mantel Group means there’s opportunities to align to a particular cloud platform or remain cloud agnostic. Our brands are made up of awesome people who specialise in numerous areas of data so there’s endless opportunities for you including data engineering, machine learning, data analytics and data science.


Working in Digital at Mantel Group allows you to work on exciting digital transformation whether you are a software engineer, designer or app developer. Our brands are made up of awesome people who specialise in making apps that make our everyday, accelerating delivery of bespoke digital solutions, helping businesses reach their full potential with Microsoft products or designers who give a new lens to businesses.


Working in our emerging and growing cyber security capability allows you to work closely with clients across our brands with a deep focus on Cyber Security, Governance Risk and Compliance. There’s new opportunities to lead governance, risk and compliance initiatives for clients in regulated industries and helping our clients align their information security risk position with their risk appetite.

What makes Mantel Group
a Great Place to Work?

No policies, just shared principles

Creating a great place to work is no accident. All good relationships have a foundation of trust, and our trust is articulated through our Mantel Group Principles, that guide our decisions and behaviours.

Being principle based has created a culture of trust through empowerment and shared responsibility. It means everyone clearly knows what is expected and through storytelling, everyone understands the principles in practice.

One size does not fit all

Every single one of us is an individual and our experience in the workplace has to reflect that. We do not believe that standard perks and benefits or ‘one size fits all’ experiences give people what they need.

Individual feedback, development, career pathways and rewards should all be part of that personalisation, and the most important process for this is ‘My Deal’. Where each team member and the business agree how they will work together over the next 12 months, what is important for the team member and what is important for the business. My Deal is about making your work and personal life fit together.

Lean and flat

Our flat, flexible and dynamic structure allows for teams to be organised around strategic objectives rather than by position or department.

The Team of Teams approach is where we operate a network of teams with what is known as a shared consciousness – we trust each other and have a shared purpose – and every member is empowered to execute.

Genuine investment in gender
diversity and pay equity

We believe in creating real opportunities for female and gender minorities to break into a career in tech, where they are seriously underrepresented. We have established our traineeship and accelerator programs targeted at females and gender minorities to develop and provide them with opportunities with our business. We have introduced over 50 females and gender minorities to tech careers through this program since Mantel Group commenced.

We pay equal parental leave to all genders, we review all salaries for gender equity and we don’t negotiate salaries. Our team is rewarded fairly and equally for the role that they contribute and we do not reward people for being better or tough negotiators of salary. Our model prevents gender having an impact on salary negotiations.

Snow or sand after work?

At Mantel Group, we make our own choices about where we work.
Hub locations are driven by our client and team member locations in Auckland, Brisbane, Hobart, Magnetic Island, Melbourne, Perth, Queenstown and Sydney.

Team members work remotely when they have individual or deep thinking work and online meetings. When they want to collaborate or socialise, they work from a Mantel hub and when it is important to consult and work directly with the client, you’ll find them at our client’s office.

Our team members love to travel and their work can often be done from anywhere with internet access so why not have offices in great locations that enable real work life balance?

We like each other

We like to keep things simple at Mantel Group, we really just wanted to create a place where people would want to work. A culture of trust, ensuring team members felt safe and secure during the pandemic, are simply the right thing to do, and make good business sense.
Part of the reason the founders started Mantel Group, was based on the premise of building a successful business that they really wanted to work in. One with like minded people from all walks of life who shared a common ethical, values and principle driven approach.

We’ve created a business where people genuinely want to work, where people like each other and offer a supportive workplace where people are mentally and physically at their best, enjoying their work and lifting each other up to be their best.

Paid like adults

Let’s be honest, what we are worth cannot be put in dollar terms. We keep pay simple and fair. We pay our team members market rates – which for long term team members is what we would pay in market to recruit them again. We constantly review pay to ensure they are not left behind the market.

We don’t believe in financial incentives. We believe in paying fairly for contributions and not needing to “bribe” people to put in extra effort – they already put in extra effort.

We don’t provide financial incentives for sales people or any other roles such as leadership roles. Each of our team members’ roles is important and should be rewarded accordingly.

Team before dollars

We prioritise the culture and team way before revenue, profits, and margins. Having this approach helps guide decisions and without a doubt, if you have the foundations right, these decisions will go hand in hand – what is right for culture, is right for the business.

When team members are not enjoying particular work or a client, rotating them onto a new client is a priority for us. It also makes clear business sense – if you leave good people working on a job they don’t enjoy, they will leave.

Skin in the game

Who wants in? Although it is not as simple as that, we do raise capital for our business through the team. There’s no preference to senior team members, every team member has the opportunity to invest in our business with a third of our entire team having done so.

We value a diverse workplace and strongly encourage people from all backgrounds and minority groups to apply.

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Great for a reason.
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September 5, 2024

Mantel Snow Trip 2024

July 2, 2024

Looking back on Camp Mantel 2024!

January 23, 2024

GopherConAu 2023 – Key Takeaways & Thoughts

November 16, 2023

Harbouring Innovation: SXSW Sydney, AI and Divergent Thinking

Join us

Interested in joining a team of amazing people? We’re made up technologists, consultants, and professionals across engineering, finance, people and culture and client engagement.

We do things differently

Our approach to problem-solving is what sets us apart. Our Team of Teams methodology brings together specialists from a variety of fields to solve any challenge. We combine the best of people and technology to get the best results.

We have seen an increase in scammers and people pretending to be hiring for Mantel Group.
We do not hire people outside of Australia and New Zealand.
We do not hire without a thorough recruitment process including meeting with all potential applicants.