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Financial Services

Software Delivery

We have worked with a large Australian financial institution to perform a current state assessment of delivery and release processes across three key banking applications.

The organisation relied on a monthly Enterprise Release process into which value streams are required to finalise their inclusions up to 6 weeks prior to the release date. The process was highly manual and required long outage windows. It also did not facilitate easy rollback or roll forward to resolve issues. An assessment of the current state processes had to be completed with a view to provide recommendations, strategic options and a roadmap to facilitate the improvement of software delivery.

In support of our clients Software Delivery improvement efforts, we…

  • Performed an assessment of the software delivery processes across the nominated banking applications, conducting a series of structured workshops and interviews with key stakeholders and team members.
  • Captured and shared our findings for the current state of development and delivery practices, along with contributing factors, to our stakeholders.
  • Benchmarked our findings against industry standards and listed detailed recommendations to improve delivery practices across People, Process and Technology.
  • Defined a roadmap of short, medium and long term opportunities of improvement for software delivery for each application.
  • Performed an assessment of the Enterprise Release process completing an impact assessment for each application.
  • Provided detailed recommendations and defined a roadmap of short, medium and long term opportunities for improving the release cadence for each application.